If these answers do not solve the problem, please contact our customer service, write to us at geral@cls.pt.
After registering, you will not have to fill in your shipping details every time you make a purchase. In addition, you will stay up to date with our exclusive promotions, discounts and many more things that may interest you.
Procura no canto superior direito o link ‘Login’. Depois, na secção ‘Registar’, preencha o formulário e clique em Registar.
If you have forgotten your password, click on "Login" and on "Forgot your password?". Just enter your e-mail address and we will automatically send you your password.
Go to "Log in" and click on the "Edit Profile" button.
Yes, an account is required for the quote request to be processed!
If you no longer wish to receive further communications from us in your email, please email geral@cls.pt.
We work with TORRESTIR and CTT EXPRESSO. (for international shipments there are other options)
After the Quote is analysed and quotations allocated depending on stock and product, shipping times will be determined. Average 3/4 working days after transformation to order.