On the front line
The journey began in the 1980s,
Fruit of the dream of two brothers who, armed with a strong sense of courage, motivation and entrepreneurship, created a business model that in 1992 became the company Coelhos Têxteis - Comércio e Indústria Lda.
Initially more focused on solutions in the area of Work Wear and Home Textiles, the company quickly adapted and streamlined its structure to the new market needs and, foreseeing the future, added the commercialisation of Personal Protective Equipment to its social object.
Since then it has never stopped growing and innovating and in 2019 it has made official a new name CLS - Brands, Lda® which embodies the vision and strategy of the past, present and future!
Today it offers a wide range of unique and exclusive products, which meet the particularities of each client and are distinguished by quality, comfort and innovative design.