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Secure Page

Recognition of our brand!

Norton Secured

Norton Safe Web checks millions of websites to ensure they are safe. CLS - Brands, Lda® têm a qualidade de segurança.

Google Safe Browsing

Safe Browsing is a service that Google's security team has created to identify unsafe sites and notify users and site owners of potential harm. A CLS - Brands, Lda® have the quality of security.

Complaints Book & Book of Praise

The Complaints Book, like the Compliment Book, has an important function in companies, making it possible to complain when a service does not meet customer service or product quality standards. 

Portal da Queixa - Do problema à solução!

O Portal da Queixa CLS - Brands, Lda® é uma rede social de consumidores online. Pode reclamar, apresentar reclamações online, opiniões, defesa do consumidor que a nossa equipa irá responder.

Google Reviews

Google Review is as simple as it is important. After searching and finding a company the public writes a review. See reviews for CLS - Brands, Lda® .