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Recognised by Competent Entities!


For several years now, we have been awarded the status of PME Líder. This distinction is awarded by IAPMEI and aims to recognise companies with superior performance profiles, reinforcing their visibility. This distinction is the result of the commitment of an entire work team, but also of the trust our clients place in us, which makes us grow every day.

PME excelência

It is a quality management model focused on the effectiveness of the processes of companies and organisations.

SGS ISO 9001:2015 Certification

This is a seal of reputation that allows companies to relate to their environment - suppliers, customers, the financial system and the authorities.

ANEPC - Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil

Entity registered with the Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (ANEPC) for the commercialisation of fire extinguishers and safety signs under no. 1274/2013.


SOCIEDADE PONTO VERDE was born out of a strong conviction and desire to change the world, when recycling was still a word almost unknown to most Portuguese. It entered Portuguese homes and brought Gervásio, a chimpanzee who showed how easy it was to separate used packaging. First came the glass containers and it wasn't long before the palette of colours unfolded into the three ecopoints that today give shape to a more sustainable future.